Saturday, November 9, 2013

Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to my blog!

OKAY. I know what your thinking; what thirteen year old writes a blog. Well, here's a life lesson for you guys! If you want to achieve got to work for it. I know, I know, it's hard to believe. I'm wanting to be an author so I'm guessing this will help.
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Anyways, this is a place for teenagers. A safe haven, a place to express yourself without being judged. I'm no beauty me, but I will post make-up articles, books, movies, clothing, drama, playlists, everything that makes a teenager well, a teenager. So I give you the honor, to join me on this. If your not the coolest girl in school, or you don't have the newest clothing don't worry. Here, your life gets simpler. My goal is to do this blog for a year who knows maybe ill start vlogging too... the world is full of opportunities. You just have to take a chance.


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